The Social Butterfly Gal Website Is Getting A Makeover

The Social Butterfly Gal Photo Shoot

With a new year comes some changes, BIG Changes. The Social Butterfly Gal, LLC has grown so much, and it’s time to expand on that growth. To make the site more user-friendly for my current digital PR clients & potential clients, as well as my readers & visitors, SBG will be getting a new and improved look and will undergo website maintenance on Sunday, January 24.

Don’t worry, we won’t be gone for long. On Monday, January 25, the site will resume back to normal, and we will reveal the new look, updated Digital PR services and new sponsorship & advertising opportunities for all to see! In the meantime, you can always follow along on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Periscope @ChristinaJOchoa  and Snapchat @Christina2224!

Thank you to all my visitors in advance for your patience!


Be Bold 2016: Why I Choose to Feed My Soul Than #GymGoals

Mind Spirit Body

Let’s be brutally honest here for a second. I HATE going to the gym. I’ve tried so many times to make a consistent gym routine but, I’ve found it tough to do that especially when I have so many networking or PR events to attend on a weekly basis. Now I know you might be thinking, “Christina, you’re just making excuses because you could go to the gym in the morning.” Well, because it takes me 1.5 hours to get ready in the morning (not kidding), that would mean I would need to wake up at 4:30 and be at the gym by 5 a.m, and I’m just not about that life at this moment in time. Not making excuses, just being real here.

For some, working out is therapeutic and more power to you, but for me, my therapy is sitting in a quite corner with a glass of wine writing my feelings out in my journal. As part of our Be Bold 2016 linkup, today’s post is about our health goals for the year. For me, I want to change the game a little and talk about self-care and self-love as a health goal and why this year I’m focusing on mind, spirit and body instead of #GymGoals.

My Mind: I love reading self-help books. My goal in the future is to write and publish one of my own for preteens and teens that struggle with acceptance and with self-love. I think it’s crucial for young women to educate themselves in self-love and most importantly be able to feel confident in their own skin. One of my goals this year is to read one  inspirational book a month. I want to fill my mind with positivity and inspiration all through the year.

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My Spirit|Spirituality: My faith is the most important component in my life. Without it, I would be nothing. This year, I want to take some time to unplug and spend one hour a day journaling, praying or attending adoration. I regularly meet with a spiritual director to keep myself in-check and Pete and I are also accountability partners for when it comes to prayers for one another. Being spiritually fed is vital to my life and well-being, and I know I want to stay full throughout the year.

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My Body: While I’m not on that whole “#GymGoals” life, that doesn’t mean I’m not going do some form of exercise. I do want to be healthier, so for me, that goal is to try and drink more water, go to bed earlier and do a form of exercise that makes me happy. Some things I want to do this year are: take a hip-hop dance class, do more yoga, take a walk outside at the park and just spent time outdoors, walk another 5k, frequently get massages for my back and neck pain, stretch, and not eat out so much.

I hope to live fearless when it comes to my mind, spirit and body and always be mindful about practicing self-love and self-care.

What are your health goals for 2016? Comment below or share your blog post by clicking the Be Bold 2016 Graphic below!






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A Night at The San Antonio Cocktail Conference

A night at SACC

It was an evening of fabulous style, food and delicious cocktails as the San Antonio Cocktail Conference kicked off with its opening night party last Thursday at the Majestic Theatre. Prior to the festivities, members of the media, along with San Antonio’s finest bloggers and social media influencers, enjoyed a pre-party event at Luke San Antonio.




Back in September, I got to sample the official cocktail, Beso De Agave. Since the preview event that was hosted by Yelp San Antonio, I knew San Antonians were in for a treat come the actual four-day conference. It was the first year I got to attend the festivities, and it was one to remember! For those of you who aren’t familiar with this event, the San Antonio Cocktail Conference has quickly become one of the country’s premier mixology events. It has been named one of the top three cocktail festivals in the country” by Fodor’s. 100% of the cocktail conferences proceeds go directly to local children’s charities!

The Majestic Theatre was packed as hundreds of locals sipped on fine cocktails and enjoyed delicious bites from local restaurants. Here are some highlights from the opening event






The Social Butterfly Gal even got to be featured in Style Lush TV’s “You’re On The Mic” piece talking about how cocktails and style go hand-in-hand: Check it out here:

Until next year SACC!





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#GirlBoss: Melanie of Que Means What

#GirlBoss is The Social Butterfly Gal’s monthly Q&A series that introduces some of the amazing female bloggers/business women that encourage and motivate me on a daily basis. This month, I’m excited to feature Melanie Mendez-Gonzales of Que Means What.

#GirlBoss Melanie

Melanie Mendez-Gonzales is an online media entrepreneur and the creator of ¿Qué Means What? – a leading Latina lifestyle blog. ¿Qué Means What? began as a platform for Melanie to share about the re-discovery of her Mexican-American heritage. Today, it has grown into an online community for news in entertainment, resources for STEM education and candid stories about family life in her beloved state of Tejas. She is the co-founder of the online community Texas Latino Bloggers. Melanie also serves on the TEDxSanAntonio Women Organizing Committee and is a member of San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists. This past week, Melanie was able to find time to sit down with us for a quick Q&A session.

1. Tell me all about yourself and what you do. ¡Hola Queridos! Professionally, I’m an online media entrepreneur and founder of ¿Qué Means What? – a leading Latina education and entertainment blog. I’m a speaker, a writer and a content creator for online platforms. I’m also a consultant for brands and organizations who want to connect to other online influencers. Personally, I’m a wife, a mom and an advocate for education and diversity in technology.

2. Why did you want to become an entrepreneur and how did you get started? I didn’t know that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. This was not a dream that I’ve had since I was a little girl. Right after college, I found myself in a retail management position earning a great income. However, I was only in it for the money. Naturally, I quickly grew tired of that lifestyle. I then began a career in direct sales to earn a discount on some of my favorite beauty products. In a short time, I was able to leave my management position to work full time in direct sales. Again, it was something that I was doing for the money and grew tired of that work, too. The best lesson that I took away from the experience was that I learned that I wanted to be my own boss. Direct sales lead to a lot of networking and I had met people from all walks of life who were living out their dream of successfully running their own businesses. I wanted to be just like them.

I remember listening to a motivational speaker at a direct sales event, Julius Henderson, who was painting a vision of what it’s like to be the CEO of your own business and your own life. The phrase that stuck with me was, “CEO’s go to the movies during the day.” He was implying that these CEO’s call all the shots in their life including avoiding long lines at the movies because they can go to the movies during the day. Who would have guessed that, today, I would get to avoid most long lines at the movies because I get to see them at press events before they are in theaters? And when I don’t go to those, I go to the movies during the day.

3. Tell us about Que Means What and its purpose.  Originally, ¿Qué Means What? started out as a personal blog where I shared insights on leadership (a lot of what I learned in my direct sales career); our family life in San Antonio; and my cultural identity crisis of not believing I was ‘Mexican enough’. Today, ¿Qué Means What? has grown into on online community where education and entertainment news meet cultura y familia storytelling.  As many learn, writing is cathartic. Thankfully, I have resolved that cultural identity crisis. As the population of Latino Americans continues to grow, I understand that one’s personal cultural identity is crucial for many to grasp. My dream for is to always be a place for others to gain insight on appreciating and celebrating one’s own culture.


4. What has been your most challenging yet rewarding part about being a blogger/ solopreneuer? Believing in myself. Prior to working for myself, reaching big goals had little to do with believing in myself. Goals like being the first in my family to graduate from college and landing a well-paid job were met out of necessity. Reaching goals as a solopreneur hasn’t been about necessity as much as it’s been about whether or not I could believe that I deserved the success. As a solopreneur, you have to create your own board of directors. This group of people should be those who you can trust, will tell you the truth and believe in you even when you don’t. I’ve not always chosen my board wisely but I think I’ve found them now. It makes all the difference.

5. What advice would you give those who want to become a full time blogger? You must diversify your income streams. Even though blogging has been around a while, there is no single blue print for success. I don’t know two bloggers who make a living blogging by doing the exact same thing as each other. There are various ways to monetize your blog and you will go through trial and error until you find what works best for you and your audience. More importantly than making money is to not blog just for the money. A blogger who writes for a purpose and does it consistently will create a way for success.

Keep up with Melanie on her blog Que Means What and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest! 






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Be Bold 2016: Three Biz +Blog Goals to Accomplish in 2016

Three Biz + Blog Goals

2016 has already started off with a bang for The Social Butterfly Gal. Day by day, the business & the blog is growing. The Social Butterfly Gal has now reached over 20K unique visitors since its conception in 2014 and has gained more clientele since the opening of the digital PR services in June of 2015. It’s amazing to see the growth, but as the ambitionista that I am, my goal is to continue to challenge myself as a solopreneur and push the boundaries as a creative.

As part of our Be Bold 2016 link up, our topic for the second week is our biz + blog goals. As you know my word for the year is fearless, and I want to share fearlessly with you three biz + blog goals that not only I want to accomplish, but WILL achieve in 2016. Through goal setting and actionable steps towards achieving these objectives, 2016 is all about getting SBG to soar!

Goal #1: Defining ideal niche and utilizing platforms to gain clients and build up brand
When I started my business, I didn’t know exactly know who I was targeting. Through an incredible business plan course I took towards the end of 2015, I now had a focus of wanting to help lifestyle business owners + bloggers/ creatives. My ideal client is the one focusing on attracting Millennials in fashion, food, travel, health & wellness and entertainment- locally or online. I want to work with those who are passionate about their audience, the community, and their business, but also understand how important their digital presence is to connect with their audience. One of my goals is to utilize my social platforms and networks. Attending the right networking events is the perfect action to take in building up my brand and accomplishing that objective. Also, participating in more speaking engagements throughout San Antonio.

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Goal #2: Expand #CoffeeWithSBG Periscope Series to build a creative community
I’m totally obsessed with Twitter chats ex: #CreativeCoffeeHour and #CreateLounge. The whole concept behind #CoffeeWithSBG Periscope Q&A series was to start building a community while also attract clients. I will admit it’s somewhat complicated. I wanted to do it via Periscope instead of Twitter because I have the broadcasting skills and love the concept of it being live. But since Periscope is so new, it’s hard to build a community when you don’t know when your ideal audience is on or when you have annoying spammers coming into your scope. My goal for #CoffeeWithSBG this year is to partner with local coffee shops in San Antonio to sponsor and bring in special guests like SATX bloggers for a fun and creative segment. I also want to expand with my #GirlBoss series. It’s still in the baby planning stages but hopefully, by mid-year, I will be able to accomplish this goal.

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Goal #3: Expand on partnerships for local + regional blog campaigns
The business and the blog go hand and hand. The Digital PR biz is the primary focus while the blog is the side hustle so to speak. It needs both to have SBG as a whole. One of my SBG Blog goals in 2016 is to participate in more influencer campaigns. I did my first one in September with Acorn influence and loved it. I want to partner up with local boutiques, hotels and lifestyle business for sponsored posts as well as participate in influencer campaigns via influencer networks. If you know any influencer networks, send them my way!

The Social Butterfly Gal is just getting started and fearlessly will fly! I can’t wait to see how the business grows this year! If you’re interested in my digital PR services, click here or want to partner with the blog click here

What are your biz +blog goals?
Share your post by clicking the Be Bold 2016 Graphic







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Yelp SA: Free Yelp Event- PBR At Cowboys Dance Hall


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Don’t forget to download the app and take Yelp with you worldwide. Like we say “we’re all about connecting people with great local businesses!”

If there’s one thing us Texans can agree on- it’s our love for cowboy boots and country music. Even if you’re not entirely fond of them, it’s undeniable how much they make up our Texas Heritage. #TexasPride


Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the past few years, one of the biggest celebrations is strolling into San Antonio- The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo!

Expect some amazing entertainment including Brad Paisley & Martina McBride from February 11 through February 27. We’re exactly a month out from this multi-day fiesta at The AT&T Center but why not grab a chance to break in your cowboy boots this weekend with Yelp?

This Saturday, January 16, yelpers will have the opportunity to enjoy free admission to the Professional Bull Riding Event at Cowboys Dancehall! As an added bonus this Official Yelp Event is family friendly. Attendees will get to enjoy two drink tickets (those of legal age), non-alcoholic drinks, and an appetizer buffet for everyone to indulge in featuring Southwest egg rolls, sliders, coconut and buffalo chicken wings and nachos.


If you’re interested getting on the guest list, necessary in order to attend, make sure to RSVP here and grab all the event details!

-Tomas, Yelp Community Manager for San Antonio. A night owl who absolutely loves craft beers, live music, food, and all things “210”.






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Four Local Coffee Shops You Must Visit


Coffee lovers all across San Antonio came together this past Saturday to celebrate the finest roasters in town! The San Antonio Coffee Festival, held at La Villita Historic Arts Village, had more than 7,000 attendees. Pete and I made it out early before the lines got too crazy and were able to sample some delicious local coffees.


Now, if you couldn’t make it out to the festival or simply interested in some local spots to get your java on, here are four local coffee houses that you MUST visit.

Aspen’s Brew (Aspen’s Brew (11255 Huebner Rd., Ste. 100, San Antonio, TX 78230):
Aspen’s Brew is family owned and offers seven fresh micro-roasted coffees as well as, lattes, blended drinks and yogurt smoothies. They also serve breakfast sandwiches, Kolaches, toasted bagels, fresh muffins, scones, croissants, and quiche.


Halcyon (1414 S Alamo St Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78210)
If you find yourself in the Southtown area, make a pit stop at Halycon. One of my favorites, Halcyon is a hip hangout featuring a range of coffee drinks, elevated cafe fare & creative cocktails. Perfect for meetings or happy hours!


Press Coffee (606 W French Pl, San Antonio, TX 78212)
Press Coffee keeps it simple, using fresh grounds and carries a range of coffee, tea, baked goods from C’est La Vie Bakery, and breakfast tacos. They are open seven days a week and offer free wifi too!

Press Coffee

Rosella Coffee (203 E Jones Ave #101, San Antonio, TX, 78215): This urban industrial-chic space offers not only coffee but also food, beer, and wine. The menu features breakfast and lunch options and delicious desserts. Rosella is open seven days a week! If you are looking for a place to get work done, a meet-up location, or a cute date spot, try out Rosella Coffee!


Which local coffee shop is your favorite? Share below!







Want more of The Social Butterfly Gal? Subscribe to the email list at the top and follow along on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

Be Bold 2016: Word of The Year- Fearless

Be Bold 2016 Word of the Year

“I want to be a woman who overcomes obstacles by tackling them in faith instead of tiptoeing around them in fear.”- Rene Swope

The countdown is winding down to the final seconds before a brand new year begins. Standing there with confetti floating around and the pop and fizz of the champagne, I take a breath and slowly remind myself that whatever shall happen in 2016, good or bad, I shall stare at it straight in the eye, fearless. Taylor Swift once said that being fearless is having fears and doubts…lots of them. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death, and fearless is getting up and fighting for what you want over and over again. Eh…did I just quote TSwizzle? Yes, I did. And what she said holds so much truth.

As part of our Be Bold 2016 Linkup project, today’s post is all about our word of the year. Your word will shape everything, from your goals to the memories you make. Fearless is my 2016 word. It’s ironic how I’ve been practicing being fearless for the past two years without even realizing it. I was fearless when I moved to San Antonio, fearless when I decided to step into the Public Relations industry, and fearless when I created The Social Butterfly Gal. But, while it’s easy to think all these things came with no fear, the occasional self-doubt and fear of getting out of my comfort zone held me back for long time.


When I saw Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts at the Texas Conference for Women last year, one thing she stressed to the 7,000+ women in the room was to let your faith be bigger than your fear. Gosh, this woman is such a huge inspiration. Overcoming so many obstacles just by living fearlessly. Don’t we all wish as women we could be like her?

So in 2016, I want to actively be fearless. In my post “Confidence Killers”, I wrote about what we need to stop doing when it comes to killing our confidence. So, this year, I want to be fearless when it comes to my creative style, fearless when it comes to my abilities and skills, and fearless when it comes to declaring my worth.


What’s your word of the year? Share your post in our linkup button right here:



You can follow along with #BeBold2016 on Twitter and Instagram, too! Next Friday, January 15,  we’re talking blogging goals! 





Want more of The Social Butterfly Gal? Subscribe to the email list at the top and follow along on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

#CoffeeWithSBG: The 411 on SBG’s Digital PR Services

SBG Digital PR Servicesjpg

A new year has arrived and in 2016, The Social Butterfly Gal is pumped and ready to help your lifestyle business/ blog soar to new heights by helping you build an extraordinary digital presence with savvy strategies. In its 7th month of business, SBG Digital PR has already had tremendous growth working with clients such as Natalie Saldana PR, Revive Modern and The Texas Beauty Babe. In the latest #CoffeeWithSBG, I give you the 411 on what you can expect from working with me and what services I provide, check it out:

The next #CoffeeWithSBG will be on Periscope on January 19 at 10 am CST and we will be discussing How to be build a savvy network for 2016. Find me on Periscope @ChristinaJOchoa

Want to build an extraordinary digital presence for your business or blog? Let’s get to work! Schedule a coffee meeting by viewing my Digital PR Services.






Want more of The Social Butterfly Gal? Subscribe to the email list and follow along on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

The Top 10 Posts of 2015 on The Social Butterfly Gal

View More:

2015, where did you go? As I reflect on this amazing year, I want to THANK YOU for visiting The Social Butterfly Gal in 2015! The Social Butterfly Gal has grown so much over the past year. From expanding my blogging community online and offline to making The Social Butterfly Gal an LLC, in order to offer Digital PR services; I am so proud at how far SBG has come and, even more, excited to see it evolve in 2016. In honor of New Years Eve, I’m sharing my top 10 posts from the whole year!

10. Confidence Killers: What You Need to Stop Doing


9. #GirlBoss: Brittney Lopez

B Love's Design

8. The Big Tex Weekend


7. Glitz and Glam: SA Fashion Awards


6. SBG Travel Week. Airport Fashion

Airport Fashion

5. 24 things I’ve Learned in 24 Years

Twenty FourCandles

4. Open For Business: The Social Butterfly Gal launches Digital PR Services


3. What I Wish Someone Had Told Me  When I Graduated From College

Advice for The College Graduate

2. Texas Road Trip: The Pink Pistol

The Pink Pistol Texas Staircase

10 Lessons I’ve Learned Since Creating My Business.

10 lessons 

What were your favorite posts from 2015? Is there anything you’d like to see from The Social Butterfly Gal in the New Year? Let me know in the comments! And once again, thanks for following along on my adventures! See you in 2016!






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